What if there was a Second American Civil War?
The year is 1940. Chicago and Washington have fallen. An American Red revolution has collapsed Federal authority. Across the continent, former brothers clash in the Second American Civil War. The Divided States is an animatic and graphic novel project by Kaiser Cat Cinema, following the stories of everyday American citizens in a dark, alternate timeline.
Divided We Fall.
The Divided States is an original alt-history series made by an international team of animators, artists and live action crews. The universe was inspired by the legendary alt-history ‘All the Russia’s’ and it’s successor, ‘Kaiserreich’.
All of TDS available for free on Youtube and Webtoons, and funded through the support of Patreons and the sale of merchandise. The project includes film, motion comic and audio book projects telling stories from the Second American Civil War.
No dream dies peacefully.
A Red Revolution and failed elections in 1936 lead to widespread and violent riots. Despite direct orders from Congress, President Langdon and the Federal army march North against the revolutionaries. When the Federal Army is defeated, political chaos tears the nation apart.
The second American Civil War has begun.

The Divided States: Strife
New York and Chicago have fallen. A Red revolution has swept the Great Lakes area, collapsing federal authority and unleashing a Second American Civil War. In the middle of the turmoil, a young and idealistic revolutionary returns to her home to find her family struggling with fractured loyalties and beliefs.

The Divided States Animatic
Four unlikely heroes must make a harrowing trek through a collapsing United States. Their cargo? Plans for a devastating German bomb that will change the face of the 20th century: Project Luderitz. The Divided States animatic is a full feature-length series told through the storyboard and animatic medium.
Not in Kansas anymore…
The Divided States is inspired by the world of Kaiserreich, the world’s most popular alt-history universe. In the world of The Divided States, The Great War is not won by the Allies but by the Central Powers, and imperialism finally prevails over democracy.
When the former Entente allies of the US collapse, cascading economic downturn reaches the shores of the Americas, and soon the United States find themselves embroiled in revolution, and finally, civil war.

Vincent De Nil
Vincent De Nil is an artist and director working in Stockholm. Born in Belgium, Vincent grew up between the bunkers of the World Wars . His time traveling and working in the south of the US inspired him to come up with stories set in a Second American Civil War. These stories would later become The Divided States.

Jordan Penelle
Jordan Penelle is a Chicago-based director. Graduated from the Flashpoint School of Film in Chicago, he went on to direct The Rival, Obligations, Changes and now works on directing film content for The Divided States.

Marcus Jorgensen
Berlin-based filmmaker and director Marcus Jorgensen splits his time between Europe and his family home in Vietnam. Passionate about telling and sharing stories, Marcus is an independent director making original indie films, and is currently leading several projects at KCC.

Nicholas Gritsenko
Nicholas is a Ukranian-American filmmaker born in Chicago, IL. After attending film school at Flashpoint Chicago, a campus of Columbia College of Hollywood, Sihl went on to work on several short films with fellow students. Inspired by the passion of other students, Sihl started his own LLC production company: Glimpse of Gold Pictures,
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All rights reserved, Kaiser Cat Cinema (Atelier Vincent De Nil BV), Belgium. Professional inquiries: vincentdenil.com / vincent@kaisercatcinema.com